2010-03-26 01:40:34 UTC
"Government is not the solution to the problem Unless It's A Republican
Chip Berlet has described in some detail in his 2000 book, Right-Wing
Populism in America, which details its history from Bacon's Rebellion
to the Ku Klux Klan to the modern-day Posse Comitatus and
militia/Patriot movements. What distinguishes these populists from
their left-wing counterparts, as Berlet explains, is that "they
combine attacks on socially oppressed groups with grassroots mass
mobilization and distorted forms of antielitism based on
scapegoating." Other famous right wing figures in 20th century
history include Father Charles Coughlin, the rabid anti-Semitic radio
talker of the 1930s, and Sen. Joe McCarthy.
Beyond the Klan, there were the Silver Shirts, the American Nazi
Party, the Posse Comitatus, the Aryan Nations, or the National
Alliance -- all of them openly right wing fascist organizations, many
of them involved in some of the nation's most horrific historical
events. (The Oklahoma City bombing, for instance), then there was
William Dudley Pelley, Gerald L.K.Smith, George Lincoln Rockwell,
William Potter Gale, Richard Butler, and David Duke -- all of them
bona fide right wing racists and fascists.
"the Left" were the people who were beaten and murdered in the 1920s
by the squadristi and the Brownshirts; and the first Germans sent off
to Nazi concentration camps like Dachau were not Jews but socialists,
communists, and other left-wing political prisoners, including
"liberal" priests and clerics.
The KKK were mostly democrats.Populism in America, which details its history from Bacon's Rebellion
to the Ku Klux Klan to the modern-day Posse Comitatus and
militia/Patriot movements. What distinguishes these populists from
their left-wing counterparts, as Berlet explains, is that "they
combine attacks on socially oppressed groups with grassroots mass
mobilization and distorted forms of antielitism based on
scapegoating." Other famous right wing figures in 20th century
history include Father Charles Coughlin, the rabid anti-Semitic radio
talker of the 1930s, and Sen. Joe McCarthy.
Beyond the Klan, there were the Silver Shirts, the American Nazi
Party, the Posse Comitatus, the Aryan Nations, or the National
Alliance -- all of them openly right wing fascist organizations, many
of them involved in some of the nation's most horrific historical
events. (The Oklahoma City bombing, for instance), then there was
William Dudley Pelley, Gerald L.K.Smith, George Lincoln Rockwell,
William Potter Gale, Richard Butler, and David Duke -- all of them
bona fide right wing racists and fascists.
"the Left" were the people who were beaten and murdered in the 1920s
by the squadristi and the Brownshirts; and the first Germans sent off
to Nazi concentration camps like Dachau were not Jews but socialists,
communists, and other left-wing political prisoners, including
"liberal" priests and clerics.