What's wrong with Global Warming? Think of All The Dead Americans!!!
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Monkey Clumps
2010-03-05 13:15:49 UTC
And vast stretches of frigid land in Alaska, Canada, Siberia,
Scandinavia, Greenland, the southern stretch of South America,
Antarctica, etc. will be opened for human habitation. Northern Europe
and the Dakotas will no longer be cold and gray.
Think of all the dead and homeless Americans, mainly foul, ignorant right
wing southern Rednecks.   And think of all the other dead Americans who will
be shot by northerners as they try to emigrate saying "I wanna live where  
you live now 'cause I said Global Warming was a big socialist hoax and now I
can't cut it on my own because where I live isn't habitable anymore, so
pleeeese save my fat redneck ass"!
Why would people in the southern US need to move? People live in far
warmer climates without a problem. You think a few additional degrees
is going to make it suddenly inhabitable? Take a look at the
tropics. You might want to change your handle to "Climate Dumbass".
Freddrick Smith
2010-03-05 17:01:28 UTC
And vast stretches of frigid land in Alaska, Canada, Siberia,
Scandinavia, Greenland, the southern stretch of South America,
Antarctica, etc. will be opened for human habitation. Northern Europe
and the Dakotas will no longer be cold and gray.
Think of all the dead and homeless Americans, mainly foul, ignorant right
wing southern Rednecks. And think of all the other dead Americans who will
be shot by northerners as they try to emigrate saying "I wanna live where
you live now 'cause I said Global Warming was a big socialist hoax and now I
can't cut it on my own because where I live isn't habitable anymore, so
pleeeese save my fat redneck ass"!
all them homeless ignorant morons . that would be liberal blacks mostly
mixed in with the latinos . Yep people would be killed by all them
liberals because that is how they do things.

By the way moron . The coast that all you nuts claim is going to be
flooded by melting ice caps , well it seems that coast was under water
before the last ice age started . then along comes the cold and the a
new coast line is made ( by nature not man ) and then man builds cities
on the new coast becasue he does not realize that sooner or later the
ice will start to melt again for the 4 th time or so . Now , yes the
coast will flood back to what it was before it froze .

Washington Dc built on what was the beach front . Florida had a coast
line that was 1 1/2 miles inland from where it is now. A strip of land
taking up most of TX , OK, Ks , Ne Ill, Canada all the way to the artic
ocean was an OCEAN before the ice age took it all away . Now nature is
putting it back.

Nature at work . Dumb libs move right .
