Chom Noamsky
2011-01-22 18:57:43 UTC
But the only thing they could agree on was the profits and how Bush and
Hitler, who was born in Austria, was a disciple of the Austrian School of
Economics like all modern day Republicans. Especially Sarah Palin. George
Bush passed the patriot act to protect us from Saddam and ourselves. Obama's
only mistake was that he should have extended it forever instead of keeping
20% of it. Unlike Obama, Bush knew that every once and a while the
government needs to crack down on those deemed America haters.
Chug a 24 pounder of Alberta Rye and your posts will be as close toHitler, who was born in Austria, was a disciple of the Austrian School of
Economics like all modern day Republicans. Especially Sarah Palin. George
Bush passed the patriot act to protect us from Saddam and ourselves. Obama's
only mistake was that he should have extended it forever instead of keeping
20% of it. Unlike Obama, Bush knew that every once and a while the
government needs to crack down on those deemed America haters.
authentic Lameborn as you can get.