Kangaroo Court Australia
2010-03-31 13:45:28 UTC
Obamunism bringing all Americans together? Associated Press: Road rage
as Tenn. septuagenarian rams other car because of Obama sticker! LOL!
March 30, 2010 - 6:09pm
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - "A 70-year-old Nashville man was accused of
ramming his sport utility vehicle several times into the back of a
vehicle that had a Obama/Biden bumper sticker. Harry K. Weisiger, a
retiree, made obscene gestures and pointed at the campaign sticker
for President Barack Obama and running mate Joe Biden before he
smashed into schoolteacher Mark Duren's car, police said....."
Fox News says that Obama is to blame for all those Republican spreeas Tenn. septuagenarian rams other car because of Obama sticker! LOL!
March 30, 2010 - 6:09pm
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - "A 70-year-old Nashville man was accused of
ramming his sport utility vehicle several times into the back of a
vehicle that had a Obama/Biden bumper sticker. Harry K. Weisiger, a
retiree, made obscene gestures and pointed at the campaign sticker
for President Barack Obama and running mate Joe Biden before he
smashed into schoolteacher Mark Duren's car, police said....."
shootings too.
John Brumby, Premier, Minister for Veterans' Affairs,
Minister for Multicultural Affairs
Rob Hulls, Deputy Premier, Attorney General
Minister for Racing, Member for Niddrie
Richard Wynne, the Member for Richmond District
in the Legislative Assembly, Parliament of Victoria,
We cordially invite the Members to our Aboriginal Genocide Centre,
in order to discuss better governance of Citizens of the district, and
of Victoria.
We find it appalling that the People's Grand Jury has been removed
without consultation from the people,
and we seek to have the issue redressed at the next election, whether
that be state or federal.
In the mean time, for greater effort in Aborigines Reconciliation,
please distribute as widely as possible
the two similar posters and flyers attached to this email. Should you
require the flyers in smaller 4-per-sheet
format, please feel free to contact me.
In addition, we noticed that the Premier is making great use of the
internet and his youtube channel.
We offer also a youtube channel for the Genocide Centre
Aboriginal Genocide Centre Melbourne Victoria Australia
Our introduction video can be found there. Please send it to all
Human Rights in Australia -
where are we heading?
Racism in Law & Justice system
Racism in Health
Racism in Education
Racism in Workplace
Integrity in the Courts
"To distrust the judiciary marks the beginning
of the end of society" - Honoré de Balzac
"Injustice anywhere is a threat
to justice everywhere" - Martin Luther King
Is the Australian Human Rights Commission
competent to deal with human rights?
Is the Australian Judiciary or High Court Australia
competent to deal with human rights?
All WELCOME at meetings
every Wednesday 1:30pm
184 Gertrude St Fitzroy 3065
c/o 184-186 Gertrude St
Fitzroy 3065
Sharon Firebrace 0401 414 967
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0401 414 967
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0401 414 967
begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0401 414 967
Robbie Thorpe 0457 045 784