Capitalist China Now World's Leading Food Producer, Supplanting The U.S.
(too old to reply)
2010-02-26 19:40:19 UTC
china is a command economy dictatorship that also has socialist
universal health care.   the USA first began to fall drastically
behind china under glorious Führer bush, during his 8 years of right
wing capitalist utopia.
it's proof that socialist heath care creates a society that is simply
superior and more capitalist than the lazy, slovenly so-called
capitalist usa.   American capitalism just can't compete anymore.
The problem with the U.S. economy is that it now produces very few
products. An average annual salary of an experienced engineer in the
U.S. is about $ 150,000 while an average Wall street broker dealing
with securities and hedge funds makes about $ 5 million annually,
without producing anything at all. This sort of discordance cannot
last forever without damaging the economy. In China it is the people
who are in charge of producing things that get good pay and
essentially there are no private brokers making millions without
producing a thing. That is the reason why China is moving ahead and
the U.S. is falling behind.
2010-02-27 00:18:37 UTC
china is a command economy dictatorship that also has socialist
universal health care.   the USA first began to fall drastically
behind china under glorious Führer bush, during his 8 years of right
wing capitalist utopia.
it's proof that socialist heath care creates a society that is simply
superior and more capitalist than the lazy, slovenly so-called
capitalist usa.   American capitalism just can't compete anymore.
But America is no longer a free-market capitalist country. There is
too much government regulation and union power is out of
control. It's federal government is corrupt, Charley Rangel, Barney
Frank, Chris Dodd etc. And the president is a Marxist,
a disciple of Communist Saul Alinsky as is Hitlery Clinton.
E. Barry Bruyea
2010-02-27 10:29:24 UTC
On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:32:15 -0800 (PST), "Mr. White"
china is a command economy dictatorship that also has socialist
universal health care. the USA first began to fall drastically
behind china under glorious Führer bush, during his 8 years of right
wing capitalist utopia.
There is no 'universal' health care if you live in rural China.
it's proof that socialist heath care creates a society that is simply
superior and more capitalist than the lazy, slovenly so-called
capitalist usa. American capitalism just can't compete anymore.