RM v2.0
2010-09-10 14:01:54 UTC
Bush worshipping Regressives are pseudo capitalists who don't know
the meaning of the word capitalist, nontheless accusing anyone who
doesn't agree 100% with their warped ideology as being "socialists",
"communists" and other smears right out of Mein Kamph.
I think you mean "Kampf".the meaning of the word capitalist, nontheless accusing anyone who
doesn't agree 100% with their warped ideology as being "socialists",
"communists" and other smears right out of Mein Kamph.
They are
racists who can't get beyond the color of the President's skin,
frequently referring to him as "the majic mulatto", "sambo" and
"nigger"; all while accusing the enemies of being racist. Their mentall
illness and dishonesty has no bounds.
"mental". I see you immediately played the race card. You forgot "Barack theracists who can't get beyond the color of the President's skin,
frequently referring to him as "the majic mulatto", "sambo" and
"nigger"; all while accusing the enemies of being racist. Their mentall
illness and dishonesty has no bounds.
Magic Negro", wait, that was Al Sharpton.
The lying right wing criminals ignored Bush's massive debts and his big
bail out of the failed US capitalist market, blaming Obama for the same.
So it was proven that bailouts fail but Obama immediately did a much biggerbail out of the failed US capitalist market, blaming Obama for the same.
From Oct 2008 to Oct 2009 Bush has us $1 Trillion in debt from the big
bail out and in 8 years turned Clinton's surpluses into $13 trillion of
Get the fuck over this, there was never a surplus. Jesus man, it was a paperbail out and in 8 years turned Clinton's surpluses into $13 trillion of
surplus with flawed math and unsupportable assunmptions.
debt yet his right wing Republican sheep supported him and his massive
debts. If that doesn't make Republicans Marxists,.nothing will. Hitler
had the support of the GOP and Bush's grandfather, who along with promient
Republican Henry Ford, only wanted to leverage their love for the Nazis to
satisfy their endless greed.
Bush was a RINO, no argument there.debts. If that doesn't make Republicans Marxists,.nothing will. Hitler
had the support of the GOP and Bush's grandfather, who along with promient
Republican Henry Ford, only wanted to leverage their love for the Nazis to
satisfy their endless greed.
Republican style free enterprise was running massive federal deficits,
having a $400 billion socialist drug plan, $400 billion in annual farm
subsidies, bloating the civil service by 35% on the taxpayer's tab,
employing thousands more in taxpayer funded defence contract work,
spending 100's of millions on pork barrel projects like building an
bridge in Alaska to an island where only 75 people live, funding a false
bottom war time economy by going deeper in debt and continually breaking
trade agreements to protect self interests instead of complying and
trading fairly. Then there's the big socialist taxpayer bailouts of
corporations like Bear Stearns, all due to the fact that can't cut it in
the real world without corporate welfare, government subsidies and
No, this is the RINO plan, not the Conservative plan.having a $400 billion socialist drug plan, $400 billion in annual farm
subsidies, bloating the civil service by 35% on the taxpayer's tab,
employing thousands more in taxpayer funded defence contract work,
spending 100's of millions on pork barrel projects like building an
bridge in Alaska to an island where only 75 people live, funding a false
bottom war time economy by going deeper in debt and continually breaking
trade agreements to protect self interests instead of complying and
trading fairly. Then there's the big socialist taxpayer bailouts of
corporations like Bear Stearns, all due to the fact that can't cut it in
the real world without corporate welfare, government subsidies and
First Bush ran his oil companies into the ground, then he almost busted
the Texas Rangers, then he destroyed the Texas economy by turning
massive surpluses into massive deficits, then he did the same to the US
government. Look at the socialist they chose to be their Presidential
candidate! McCain hasn't worked in the public sector for decades and
when he did, he was handed the job on a silver platter from his wife's
family. He's just another Right Wing Republican socialist who knows
only how to collect a check from the governemnt and how to waste our
McCain was a soory RINO pick and might want to rethink Texas. We are doingthe Texas Rangers, then he destroyed the Texas economy by turning
massive surpluses into massive deficits, then he did the same to the US
government. Look at the socialist they chose to be their Presidential
candidate! McCain hasn't worked in the public sector for decades and
when he did, he was handed the job on a silver platter from his wife's
family. He's just another Right Wing Republican socialist who knows
only how to collect a check from the governemnt and how to waste our
just fine here.