2010-03-28 13:21:14 UTC
things could only get better under that scenario!!
"Pavor Nocturnus" <***> wrote in message news:4f455de6-04fa-4456-92d7-***
On Mar 27, 5:16 pm, "WINGNUTS ARE DANGEROUS"
it's time to kick Obama out and replace him with a right wing
Teabagger President for Life. Goober and his gun r gonna take on the
gummint, but first he has to get his pickup truck fixed.
Glenn Beck will lead them to the promised land.
"Keep the gummint's hands off of my medicare and corporate welfare."
- Anonymous TeaBagger
"Pavor Nocturnus" <***> wrote in message news:4f455de6-04fa-4456-92d7-***
On Mar 27, 5:16 pm, "WINGNUTS ARE DANGEROUS"
X-No-Archive: Yes
Just remember this asshole
Obama is President and as commander in chief could call in the military on
moments notice if you Retarded
Backwoods Rednecks want to try to start a civil war over healtcare
like this Marine says THINK before you ACT!
AND stop listening and watching Jerkoffs like Glenn Beck!
Most Republicans agree that this democracy thing isn't working out soJust remember this asshole
Obama is President and as commander in chief could call in the military on
moments notice if you Retarded
Backwoods Rednecks want to try to start a civil war over healtcare
like this Marine says THINK before you ACT!
AND stop listening and watching Jerkoffs like Glenn Beck!
it's time to kick Obama out and replace him with a right wing
Teabagger President for Life. Goober and his gun r gonna take on the
gummint, but first he has to get his pickup truck fixed.
Glenn Beck will lead them to the promised land.
"Keep the gummint's hands off of my medicare and corporate welfare."
- Anonymous TeaBagger