Tina Palin's Back
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Jimmy Spew
2010-04-11 14:41:51 UTC
From The Associated Press,
Tina Fey and her Palin impression return to `SNL'
It's time to shut down SNL once and for all. The people are sick of
their relentless attacks on its greatest conservative intellectuals
leaders and heroes. This is an insult to everyone who supports the
wisdom and intelligence of one of Fox News smartest people. It no
surprise that Jews are behind SNL, socialist Jews. There were riots
all throughout Texas and South Carolina over this one. It's more
proof that Liberals fear Sarah Palin and hate America!! This
seditious insult to American conservatism was blacked out in many
small towns as America loving patriots couldn't bear to watch.

Why hasn't Limbaugh spoken out? It's time for our heroes to be

They made fun of Glenn Beck the other day and I just about threw my TV
out of the window and went on a spree shooting.

Once the Tea Party is in charge, socialist freedom hating SNL will be
dealt with. Their organizers imprisoned.

Chickenshit coward repubs will rape their kids like Todd & Bristol and spawn
a new generation of shithead retard Bushes to destroy America and sell out
to red china.
2010-04-11 15:09:59 UTC
Post by Jimmy Spew
From The Associated Press,
Tina Fey and her Palin impression return to `SNL'
It's time to shut down SNL once and for all. The people are sick of
their relentless attacks on its greatest conservative intellectuals
leaders and heroes. This is an insult to everyone who supports the
wisdom and intelligence of one of Fox News smartest people. It no
surprise that Jews are behind SNL, socialist Jews. There were riots
all throughout Texas and South Carolina over this one. It's more
proof that Liberals fear Sarah Palin and hate America!! This
seditious insult to American conservatism was blacked out in many
small towns as America loving patriots couldn't bear to watch.
Why hasn't Limbaugh spoken out? It's time for our heroes to be
They made fun of Glenn Beck the other day and I just about threw my TV
out of the window and went on a spree shooting.
Once the Tea Party is in charge, socialist freedom hating SNL will be
dealt with. Their organizers imprisoned.
Gotta love parody. It's kind of hard to tell sometimes though.

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