Republicans Confirm That global warming is a big conspiracy by Al Gore's socialist army that includes the world's science and academic bodies, 1,000 of the top corporations and all the world's governments to undermine right wing commonsense ideolo
(too old to reply)
2010-02-14 23:46:20 UTC
It's been a bad month for Al.
First, there was those four big snowstorms which broke the Washington,
D.C. region's 100-year old seasonal snow-depth record.
snip the bull shit....
cause the left really doesn't like to be shown wrong.
Ha! I'm laughing at you clowns, its 82 deg here today in So Cal. You
jackasses have no clue about actual world wide temperatures, sea surface
temps, precipitation, etc.
There was snow on the ground in all 50 states a few days ago.

Granted Hawaii is dicey but they do have mountains high enough to
support snow and they did in fact have a blizzard that left them snow
capped a few weeks ago. You have to accept that some remnants remain.
Other than that, honest snow on the ground in at least 49 of 0bama's
57 states.
2010-02-15 00:00:10 UTC
Post by Winston_Smith
It's been a bad month for Al.
First, there was those four big snowstorms which broke the Washington,
D.C. region's 100-year old seasonal snow-depth record.
snip the bull shit....
cause the left really doesn't like to be shown wrong.
Ha! I'm laughing at you clowns, its 82 deg here today in So Cal. You
jackasses have no clue about actual world wide temperatures, sea surface
temps, precipitation, etc.
There was snow on the ground in all 50 states a few days ago.  
Snow in the winter. That sure proves the big algore global warming
conspiracy. You must be one of those republican redneck scientists
who say that we better not worry about anything 'cause Christ is
commin in a year or two and he's gonna kill us all anyway and take us
naked into the sky.
